Thursday, April 10

Is it cheaper just to let people get sick?

In nursing school they ram prevention down our throats as a way of lowering sky high health care costs. But this article in the Washington Post suggests that maybe prevention isn't cheaper after all. Hmm...


Kevin Corcoran said...


Steve just sent me a link to a discussion you've been particapting in over at de-conversion. Might I just say "you're doing us proud. VERY proud." Great stuff! Keep it up.

Recovering said...

I've read a number of articles coming out of Holland and other European countries that are realizing that maybe it's cheaper to not push prevention...people just live too long and cost too much! :)

I've read a couple articles that echo the idea that fat smokers might be much cheaper to society and the insurance system than skinny nonsmokers...

...Interesting...personal liberty wins again...